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Bavarian Research Network for Molecular Biosystems (BioSysNet)

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BioSysNet is part of the Bavarian Research Center for Molecular Biosystems (BioSys-M). The Bavarian Research Network for Molecular Biosystems aims at concentrating and expanding existing Bavarian competencies and skills in the area of biosystems research; this way it will enhance international attention towards Bavaria in this innovative research field. The network builds on the expertise of the Bavarian Genome Research Network (BayGene) as well as the Bavarian Immunotherapy Network (BayImmuNet), which were established in 2004 and 2008 respectively.

Within a designated time frame of five years, 24 different projects are funded at Bavarian universities and university clinics in Erlangen, Munich, Regensburg and Wurzburg. The network is composed of five new junior scientists, who have now established their research projects, as well as 19 outstanding research groups, already located in Bavaria. The main focus of BioSysNet is to analyze functions of molecular biosystems and to study complex regulatory networks. The analysis of those biological systems is an interdisciplinary undertaking and requires the coordinated cooperation of biochemistry, genetics, bioinformatics, biophysics and medicine. In addition, new methods and cutting-edge technologies will support the investigation of genome regulation on a cellular and molecular level.

BioSysNet (Bavarian Research Network for Molecular Biosystems) focuses on the development of modern diagnostic methods and therapeutic approaches. The network offers ideal prerequisites for outstanding scientists to do independent research at the international level. The intensive exchange between groups within the network guarantees a fast and efficient implementation of the envisioned research.

Please visit the BioSysNet Website for more information.

biosys plakatContact

Coordinator of the Bavarian Research Network for Molecular Biosystems
Prof. Dr. Horst Domdey
BioM AG, Biotech Cluster Development GmbH
IZB / Am Klopferspitz 19a
82152 Martinsried
Phone: +49 (0)89 96 79-0

Office of the Bavarian Research Network for Molecular Biosystems
Dr. Ulrike Kaltenhauser
Gene Center - BioSysNet
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Postal Address: Feodor-Lynen-Straße 25
Visiting Address: BioSysM, Butenandtstraße 1
81377 Munich