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WP28 Main Topic Microbiology I – lectures (9 ECTS Points)

WP 28.0.1 Advanced lecture on Microbiology
WP 28.0.2 Special lecture on Microbiology
WP 28.0.3 Special lecture on Methods in Microbiology

Contact person: Prof. Dr. Kirsten Jung,
                       Dr. Frank Landgraf,

Six lectures are offered and three of them have to be chosen for the exam:

main instructorlecture nameWS/SS
H. Jung, K. Jung Microbial Development and Physiological Adaptation (every second WS, alternating with lecture below) WS

H. Jung,S.Heilbronner

Molecular Mechanisms of Microbial Pathogenicity
(every second WS, alternating with lecture above)
H. Jung, E. Weiß Einführung in die Medizinische Mikrobiologie und Immunologie (only in German) SS

 K. Jung, S. Brameyer, F. Landgraf

Biomolecular Interactions (e-Lecture) SS

 Prerequisites for certain lectures: none

Which lecture is held during the current semester, room and time and LSF codes please find here: lsf

Module exam

Written exam (120 min); graded;
The written exam for module WP28 will be held twice a year at the end of each semester.
The exam will cover all Microbiology lectures from the past winter and summer semester.
Next module exam: see under News