Gene Center Munich

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Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

(adapted from the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, but valid for the entire institute)

    It is natural for all members of our community (Students, Lecturers, Collaborators and Team Leaders) that:
  • we shall create the basis for constructive and open discussions by our politeness and mutual respect
  • we shall not discriminate anyone based on sex, sexual identity and orientation, age, cultural origin, religious belief, worldview or any form of disabililty
  • in particular, we will refrain from any form of verbal or sexual harassment
  • we shall accept constrcutive criticism
  • we will take action if we witness any violation of the above mentioned principles - of - conduct/

Who can I speak with if this code of conduct has been violated?

In addition:

  • Your team leader
  • The Gene Center director
  • The Dean of your faculty