Awards and Honors
- Julian Stingele ERC Consolidator Grant (see News)
- Daniel Reichart Emmy Noether Grant (see News)
- Rotem Sorek Max Planck-Humboldt Research Award (see News)
- Ignazio Piseddu InCa 2023 award (see News)
- Lucas Jae Vallee Young Investigator Award (see News)
- Eckhard Wolf Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Grant (see News)
- Oliver T. Keppler Bavarian Order of Merit (see News)
- Lucas Jae Krupp award "Alfried Krupp-Förderpreis" (see News)
- Lucas Jae Life Sciences Bridge Award (see News)
- Julian Stingele Vallee Young Investigator Award (see News)
- Veit Hornung ERC Advanced Grant (see News)
- Michael Ameismeier Bayer Pharmaceuticals PhD Award 2021 (see News)
- Marcia Ferraz Sofja-Kovalevskaja Award (see LMU news)
- Julian Stingele EMBO Young Investigator (see News)
- Veit Hornung Coley Award (see News)
- Roland Beckmann ERC Advanced Grant (see News)
- Horst Domdey "Pro meritis scientiae et litterarum" (see News)
- Ulrike Kaltenhauser Bavarian Order of Merit (see News)
- Julian Stingele Bayer Early Excellence in Science Award (see News)
- Karl-Peter Hopfner ERC Advanced Grant (see News)
- Nina Henriette Uhlenhaut Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Prize (DFG, see News)
- Veit Hornung Liliane Bettencourt Prize for Life Sciences (see News)
- Julian Stingele Krupp award "Alfried Krupp-Förderpreis für junge Hochschullehrer" (see News)
- Veit Hornung Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize (DFG, see News)
- Lucas Jae Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Prize (DFG, see News)
- Eckhard Wolf Walter Frei-Preis (Universität Zürich, see LMU News)
- Julian Stingele ERC Starting Grant (see News)
- Lucas Jae ERC Starting Grant (see News)
- Karl-Peter Hopfner Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize (DFG, see video)
- Johannes Stigler Emmy Noether Research Grant (DFG, see News)
- Johannes Stigler ERC Starting Grant (see News)
- Veit Hornung Elected Leopoldina Member (see News)
- Lucas Jae Cord-Michael Becker-Prize
- Lucas Jae Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Award
- Christoph Klein Khwarizmi International Award, Islamic Republic Iran
- Franz Herzog Human Frontier Science Program Grant
- Franz Herzog ERC Starting Grant
- Karl-Peter Hopfner Member of the Max Planck Society and external scientific member of the Max-Planck-Institute of Biochemistry
- Veit Hornung ERC Consolidator Grant
- Veit Hornung Elected EMBO Member
- Christoph Klein Cusanus-Prize
- Fabiana Perocchi Vallee Young Investigator Award
- Nadja Fenn, Karl-Peter Hopfner und Marion Subklewe M4-Award
- Karl-Peter Hopfner Elected Member of the German Academy of Sciences, Leopoldina
- Veit Hornung Designated as a Highly Cited Researcher in the field of Immunology by Thomson Reuters
- Christoph Klein Honorary Associate Professor, University of Isfahan
- Christoph Klein Hector Research Prize
- Eckhard Wolf Corresponding Member, Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW)
- Petra Wendler Care for Rare Science Award (see video)
- Julian Stingele Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry Junior Research Award
- Veit Hornung Pettenkofer Prize of the Pettenkofer Foundation
- Fabiana Perocchi Emmy Noether Research Grant (DFG)
- Roland Beckmann ERC advanced grant
- Roland Beckmann Elected member of DFG study section ‘Biochemistry and Biophysics’
- Ulrike Gaul Elected Member, European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO)
- Karl-Peter Hopfner ERC Advanced Grant
- Mario Halic ERC Starting Grant
- Patrick Cramer Federal Order of Merit
- Marion Subklewe Therese von Bayern-Award
- Patrick Cramer Feldberg Foundation Prize
- Patrick Cramer Vallee Foundation Visiting Professorship
- Karl-Peter Hopfner M4 Award
- Christoph Klein William-Dameshek-Prize, American Society of Hematology
- Christoph Klein Paul-Martini-Award
- Christoph Klein Eva-Luise-Köhler-Award for Research on Rare Diseases
- Marion Subklewe Best Lecturer at the faculty of Medicine at the LMU
- Roland Beckmann Member of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina
- Roland Beckmann Elected member of EMBO
- Patrick Cramer Member of the Max Planck Society
- Patrick Cramer ERC Advanced Grant
- Patrick Cramer Medal of Honor of the Robert Koch Institute
- Karl-Peter Hopfner Elected member of EMBO
- Veit Hornung Paul-Martini-Prize of the Paul-Martini-Foundation
- Veit Hornung Award for Basic Medical Research of the GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
- Christoph Klein Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz Prize (DFG)
- Fabiana Perocchi Partners in Excellence Award
- Fabiana Perocchi Mass General Hospital Martin Prize
- Daniel N. Wilson EMBO Young Investigator Award
- Daniel N. Wilson Dr. Klaus Römer Award
- Patrick Cramer Elected member of EMBO
- Patrick Cramer Member of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina
- Patrick Cramer Ernst-Jung-Preis für Medizin
- Patrick Cramer Familie-Hansen-Award of the Bayer Science & Education Foundation
- Ulrike Gaul Visiting Scientist at the Janelia Farm Research Campus, HHMI
- Dierk Niessing Elected to Helmholtz-Leadership Academy
- Katja Strässer “Medaille für besondere Verdienste um Bayern in einem vereinten Europa”, Bavara, Germany
- Katja Strässer “Therese von Bayern-Preis”, LMU
- Petra Wendler Emmy Noether Research Grant
- Patrick Cramer Bijvoet Medal, University of Utrecht
- Klaus Förstemann HFSP Career Development Award
- Ulrike Gaul Alexander von Humboldt Professorship
- Fabiana Perocchi Marie Curie International Outgoing Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Johannes Söding 2nd best automatic protein structure prediction server on single-domain proteins in CASP8 competition
- Katja Strässer ERC Starting Grant
- Daniel N. Wilson HFSP Young Investigator Grant
- Eckhard Wolf Member of the Center for Advanced Studies (CAS), LMU Munich
- Patrick Cramer Steinhofer Lecture, University of Freiburg
- Patrick Cramer Philip-Morris Research Award
- Ulrike Gaul Finalist, NIH Director’s Pioneer Award
- Veit Hornung Heinz Maier Leibnitz Prize of the German Research Foundation
- Christoph Klein Adalbert-Czerny-Prize, German Society of Pediatrics
- Christoph Klein Rudolf-Schön-Prize, Hannover Medical School
- Christoph Klein GlaxoSmithKline Prize for Clinical Research
- Katja Strässer Dr. Klaus Römer Award
- Patrick Cramer Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz Prize (DFG)
- Mario Halic Dr. Klaus Römer Award
- Christoph Klein Kind-Philipp-Prize, German Society of Pediatric Hematology
- Christoph Klein Yamagiwa-Yoshida Memorial Award (UICC), Japan
- Johannes Söding 2nd best automatic protein structure prediction server in CASP7 competition
- Johannes Söding 3rd place, Heinz Billing Award for the Advancement of Scientific Computing
before 2006
- 2005 Marion Subklewe Rahel-Hirsch Scholarship at the Charité („Habilitations-Scholarship“)
- 2004 Patrick Cramer 10th Eppendorf Award for Young European Researchers
- 2004 Katja Strässer EMBO Young Investigator Award
- 2003 Karl-Peter Hopfner EMBO Young Investigator Award
- 2002 Patrick Cramer GlaxoSmithKline Science Award
- 2002 Katja Strässer BYK-Gulden Promotionspreis of the GBM (Gesellschaft für Biochemie und Molekularbiologie e.V.) for PhD thesis
- 2001 Roland Beckmann Research Group VolkswagenStiftung
- 2000 Patrick Cramer EMBO Young Investigator
- 2000 Patrick Cramer MSC Future Investigator Award
- 2000 Eckhardt Wolf Erwin Schrödinger-Prize for excellent interdisciplinary research
- 2000 Eckhardt Wolf Elected Member of the German Academy of Sciences, Leopoldina
- 1999 Ulrich Koszinowski Member of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina
- 1997 Ulrike Gaul McKnight Scholar Award
- 1997 Ulrike Gaul Klingenstein Fellowship Award in the Neurosciences
- 1997 Ulrike Gaul Irma T Hirschl Career Scientist Award
- 1997 Christoph Klein American Society of Hematology Scholar Award, USA
- 1995 Karl-Klaus Conzelmann Loeffler-Frosch Prize of the German Society for Virology (GfV)
- 1994 Ulrike Gaul Sinsheimer Scholars Award