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Dr. Mario Halic

Dr. Mario Halic

Group Leader


Structural Biology MS 311, Room D5024E
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
262 Danny Thomas Place Memphis
TN 38105-3678
United States

Phone: +1 901 595 0592

Work group


Scientific Vita

since 2017 Group Leader Gene Center, University of Munich
2011-2017 Tenure-track professor of Biochemistry Gene Center, University of Munich
2007-2011 Postdoctoral researcher Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA, Prof. D. Moazed
2001-2007 Ph. D. student and Postdoctoral fellow Institute of Biochemistry, Charite, Humboldt University Berlin, and Gene Center, University of Munich, Germany, Prof. Dr. R. Beckmann
2005 Dr. rer. Nat (Ph.D) Humboldt University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany
2000-2001 Ph. D. student BIOMIP (Biomolecular Information Processing) group, GMD (German National Research Center for Information Technology), Bonn, Germany
1999 Diplom (M.S) University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia

Awards and Honors

  • 2010-2011 Charles King Trust Postdoctoral fellowship
  • 2007-2009 EMBO Postdoctoral fellowship
  • 2006 Romer award, University of Munich