Dr. von Hauner Children's Hospital
Lindwurmstraße 4
80337 Munich
Lindwurmstraße 4
80337 Munich
+49 (0)89 - 4400 57701
Scientific Vita
Year | Function | Institute |
since 2011 |
Chair | Department of Pediatrics, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich |
2008-2011 | Full Professor and Chair | Department of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, Hannover Medical School |
2000-2008 | Associate Professor | Department of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, Hannover Medical School |
2000 | PhD Immunology | Prof. Alain Fischer, University Paris VI |
1998-2000 | Instructor in Pediatrics, Faculty Member | Division of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology, The Children´s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston |
1995-1998 | Clinical Fellow | Division of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology, The Children´s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston |
1994-1995 | Resident | University Children‘s Hospital Freiburg, Germany |
1993 | Magister Artium Philosophy | Prof. R. Spaemann, Munich |
1991-1994 | Resident in Pediatrics | Hôpital Necker Enfants Malades, Paris |
1991 | Intern in Pediatrics | Dr. von Hauner Childrens Hospital, University Munich |
1991 | MD | Prof. Steven Burakoff, Boston, Prof. H. Wagner, University Munich |
1990 | 3. Staatsexamen | LMU Munich |
1988-1990 | Studies of medicine and philosophy | Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich, Germany |
1987-1988 | Studies of medicine, philosophy, academic training and research assistant | Havard University, Boston |
1983-1987 | Studies of medicine and philosophy | Universities of Ulm and Munich |
Awards and Honors
- 2016 Khwarizmi International Award, Islamic Republic Iran
- 2015 Cusanus-Prize
- 2014 Honorary Associate Professor, University of Isfahan
- 2014 Member, American Society of Clinical Investigation
- 2014 Hector Research Prize
- 2011 William-Dameshek-Prize, American Society of Hematology
- 2011 Paul-Martini-Award
- 2011 Eva-Luise-Köhler-Award for Research on Rare Diseases
- 2010 Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz Award, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
- 2007 Adalbert-Czerny-Prize, German Society of Pediatrics
- 2007 Rudolf-Schön-Prize, Hannover Medical School
- 2007 GlaxoSmithKline Prize for Clinical Research
- 2006 Kind-Philipp-Prize, German Society of Pediatric Hematology
- 2006 Yamagiwa-Yoshida Memorial Award (UICC), Japan
- 1997 American Society of Hematology Scholar Award, USA
- 1991 Stipendium des Collège de Médecine, Paris
- 1985 Stipendium des Cusanuswerkes, Bischöfliche Studienstiftung, Bonn
Currently funded Projects
- SFB1054
- SFB914
- KFO 250
- i-Target
- ERC advanced grant
- BioSysNet
- Else Kröner Fresenius-Forschungskolleg
- VEO-IBD Consortium (Helmsley Charitable Trust)