JP Lab - Contact
Prof. Dr. Jeyaprakash Arulanandam (JP)
JP's ERC-funded lab has been based at the Gene Center since March 2023.
Gene Center and Department of Biochemistry
Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München
Feyodor-Lynen Straße 25
81377 Munich
Room: A4.68
Phone: +49 (0)89 2180 76962
Web: JP lab, GCM-LMU
He also continues to run his lab at the University of Edinburgh:
Personal Chair of Structural Cell Biology
Co-Head, Institute of Cell Biology
Wellcome Centre for Cell Biology
University of Edinburgh
Michael Swann Building (S5.18)
Max Born Crescent
Edinburgh EH9 3BF
Tel: +44 131 6507113
Fax: +44 131 6080414