Gene Center Munich

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Ferraz Lab - Research

Bio-printing and microfluidics

Recent advances in manufacturing methods, including bottom-up approaches such as 3D bio-printing in combination with emerging advanced materials, are allowing the design and engineering of different tissues in vitro, that increasingly emulate the natural structure and composition of the in vivo organ. To understand the mechanisms of development, health and disease in reproductive systems, approaches leveraging biomaterials, tissue engineering and microfluidics have led to the creation of in vitro models of individual and integrated reproductive tissues.

Bio-printing describes the process of depositing cell-laden ‘bioinks’ in precise 3D locations providing physical and chemical environments for in vitro tissue development. With bio-printing, structures can be fabricated with precise control of bulk geometry and of their internal pore architecture, thus allowing for sophisticated biomimicry and personalization. It was already successful used to create in vitro liver, lung, bone and cartilage tissues. Our lab will combine bio-printing with microfluidics to develop in vitro organs-on-a-chip models of ovary, oviduct, endometrium and testis.