Gene Center Munich

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Technical Assistant

We have currently no open position.

Ph.D. Thesis or Post-Doc

We have one open PhD position within the MIRACLE consortium. Our offered position is for the subproject DC10. Further information can be found in the following documents: Job Description, Project Description and Application Form.

M.D. Thesis

We have 2-3 open positions for M.D. students per year. Highly motivated medical students who want to join our lab for 1 year are encouraged to apply. All our M.D. students are associated to a graduate school (FöFoLe, iTarget).

Master's Thesis

We are regularly looking for highly motivated master's students to join our group.

Student Assistant

We have currently no open position.

Clinician Scientist Program (CSP)


The CSP of the EKFK Cancer Immunotherapy supports young physicians who want to combine excellent research with clinical work in a structured training and mentoring program.
Detailed information for applicants (German)
