Blum Lab - Genomics
Research Topics
- Transcriptomics of early embryonic development
- Epidemiology of Mycobacterium caprae
- Whole animal transcriptomics of disease models
The rapidly evolving field of high-throughput sequencing (NGS) provides powerful approaches for the detailed analyses of transcriptomes and genomes. We operate a technology platform for short and long read sequencing (Illumina & Oxford Nanopore Technology) and bioinformatic analysis. Our platform provides a variety of library preparation methods and comprehensive sequencing for our own scientific projects and various collaborations. Read more...
Selected Publications
Whole-genome analysis of introgressive hybridization and characterization of the bovine legacy of Mongolian yaks.
Medugorac I, Graf A, Grohs C, Rothammer S, Zagdsuren Y, Gladyr E, Zinovieva N, Barbieri J, Seichter D, Russ I, Eggen A, Hellenthal G, Brem G, Blum H, Krebs S, Capitan A.
Nat Genet. 2017 Mar;49(3):470-475. PubMed
Fine mapping of genome activation in bovine embryos by RNA sequencing.
Graf A, Krebs S, Zakhartchenko V, Schwalb B, Blum H, Wolf E
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2014 Mar 18;111(11):4139-44. PubMed
Investigation of intra-herd spread of Mycobacterium caprae in cattle by generation and use of a whole-genome sequence.
Broeckl S, Krebs S, Varadharajan A, Straubinger RK, Blum H, Buettner M
Vet Res Commun. 2017 Jun;41(2):113-128. PubMed
Lab News
New Technology: THE HAMMER
- The Covaris CP02 cryoPREP Pulverizer is an automated system, which uses calibrated and controlled mechanical forces to pulverize flash-frozen tissue.